Sunday, November 1, 2020

Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

What do you think? Please tell me if I'm off the mark with this, especially. Is education a problem today? You can tell me at a Socrates Cafe, tonight and Tuesday are online for now, you can join us via the link above, or post a comment here. John Wren (303)861-1447

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Scott Adam Says:

 Startup Show now each morning Monday thru Saturday on our live Facebook Room. Check here at 10 a.m. Denver for the link for the day:

Friday, October 30, 2020

New! Vote+ Quantum Voting for Elections When You Can’t Decide.

Don't just settle!

Give each 1/2 vote. Here's how:
Quantum computers are more powerful because bits aren’t just one or zero. With Vote+, a new way to vote, you aren’t forced to pick just one candidate or another.
Whether you like both candidates so much you can’t decide, or whether you dislike both candidates so much you can’t decide, you don’t have to just settle for one or the other, and you can send a big message.
Here’s how it works:
You get your paper ballot and vote in the normal way.
In the election that you want to use Vote+ because the candidates are either equally good or bad vote for both on the paper ballot or vote for neither.
Both blank means you dislike both and can’t vote for either.
Both marked means you like both/all candidates equally.
The benefit of Vote+
It encourages more people to vote since they have a way of expressing their faith in our country and believe that both/all candidates will do a good job.
It also encourages more people to vote because it gives them a way to express their extreme displeasure with both/all candidates.
Only works with paper ballots.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Quantum Voting.

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: In this next election, don't just settle.:   New! Vote+ Quantum Voting for Elections When You Can’t Decide. Quantum computers are more powerful because bits aren’t just one or zero. W...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: Were you part of a start at DU?:  If the University of Denver was important to something you started, I'd very much like to talk with you. DU was critically important fo...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020


Join us at 2:30 p.m. each Friday:

Sunday, May 17, 2020

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: What happened

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: What happened: My most popular blog post of all time, great idea for getting more done, lots passed it along: "How to get more done: 90 uninterupted m...

George Washington, John Adams, other founders feared the irrational mob, the temporary majority, that's one of the big reasons for the Electoral College.

SCOTUS votes on electoral college.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Create a Facebook Page for Your Neighborhood

You may be finding a bit of extra time right now.

Here's an idea for using it to help preserve and even spark the improvement of your local neighborhood.

Create a Facebook Page for your neighborhood.

You may have to first determine the name of your neighborhood, most of us don't know it, things have become so unneighborly.

Here's an example from Denver, Colorado, a Facebook Page for University Neighborhood. Check it out:

Sunday, March 8, 2020

INVITATION/ Please share.

("Help me help you!" Jerry McGuire.  Please share, ok? Thanks! John)

I'm inviting you, and asking you to invite others who might want to join us, because I'm forming a new group with:

1) people who want help to start in a new direction with retirement and passing the torch; 2) people who are starting a new project or campaign (start now to get elected in 2022), 3) starting a new career or a new business, and 4)  lawyers, CPAs, consultants, commercial bankers and agents, people who provide that kind of help,

If you'd like to know more about the group that is forming now, please call and leave a complete, confidential message for me on (303)861-1447 and I'll call you back tomorrow (Monday, 3/9) or later in the week, let me know in your message when would be a good time for us to talk.

This is not a networking group, it is an adult social learning group based on the current research in adult education and my 20+ years of experience leading small adult learning groups:

This is a new approach to startup:
John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: Key to SBCC Startup Method-- DRAFT

This is my little book about startup:

Please, right now, while it's on your mind, call me and let me know why you'd like to be part of this group and when would be the best time or two for me to call you next week. I'd hate for us to miss this opportunity to work together.


John Scott Wren, MBA
Founder, President, CEO
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc
1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501, Denver, CO 80210
"Visit Group" and join us while it's still free:
See our Facebook Page: 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

We Say Colorado Caucus in Colorado, not Colorado Caucuses.

Socrates Cafe: Good Practice for Colorado Caucus. Join us!

We choose a topic at the start of each session, share our thoughts, then ask each other questions. Free and open to everyone. Attend once and we will help you start a new Socrates Cafe in your local library.

No RSVP is every required, walk-ins are welcome. More info and optional RSVP at 

An educational effort of your Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. For more info
and to join us (it's free) see us on or call (303)861-1447  

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

We expect more visitors soon:

Here's why we expect more visitors to this site soon:

Socrates Cafes

Great practice for the Colorado Caucus (what's that? see Wikipedia article) is Socrates Cafe. Tonight and each Saturday at the University of Denver, Tuesdays at Trinity Methodist Church. More info and optional rsvp at

Why Presidential Caucus is Superior to the Presidential Primary: