Saturday, October 20, 2012

In some ways it doesn't matter nearly as much who ends up as President in this election as it is that we don't let the grassroots die. If you want to strengthen the grassroots in your neighborhood, get involved now. Then you'll be ready to to your neighborhood caucus in 2014, and in 2016 you can make a real difference. Here's a short video about our Colorado Caucus, why it's important in strengthening the grassroots, and what you can do. It's only too late if we don't start now!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

It should be up to the parties to decide whether they would prefer a relatively high-turnout delegate selection scheme that would put more influence with mass electorates or a system that empowers smaller, more dedicated groups of party activists. The parties are also best positioned to figure out which influences they prefer (including second-order influences; mass electorates give more power to the media, which parties might not like). More to the point, it’s the parties who have everything at stake here, so they should be the ones to choose.
 Jonathan Bernstein, Yes, Caucuses Are Unfair. No, We Shouldn’t Mind. The New Republic 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'll be Tweeting my estimate of each candidates PERMA score after each debate round.
PERMA Headline
Well, the Denver Post didn't publish my letter (see below.)

And the candidates didn't address my primary concern, will they both pledge the other after the election? And do they recognize that under our system of government the CEO has very limited power compared to the thousands of local representatives who are elected each year?

Maybe they will speak to these issues tonight. I'll be Tweeting my reactions during the debate @JohnSWren, hope you'll say hi with a direct message if you are Tweeting. It will be interesting to compare how many hits this site gets tonight compared to last week when I was blogging for the Denver Post.

John Wren