Saturday, March 15, 2014

How to become well known in your neighborhood.

We are doing a special edition of the Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop next Friday, March 21 at Panera Bread, 13th & Grant just a block from the Capitol.

For 25 years our speaker has been helping businesses from real estate agents to plumbers do just that, she has some powerful ideas that will also work if you're working to get your cause or candidate well known in a particular neighborhood.

We start at 3:45 p.m. sharp, please be on time, we'll end at 5:15 p.m. After our speaker shares we break out into small work groups.

Whether you are in pursuit of a better social life in your own neighborhood, finding neighbors you can help, votes, or all three, join us! You'll be glad you did.

For more info and to RSVP to this and our other meetings in metro-Denver and online go to or call (303)861-1447

Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc
Z-NOS Peer Advisory Groups * IDEA Cafe Startup Workshops
+ Start + Grow + Flourish + AMDG + 
 Question? Leave a confidential message anytime 24/7 call (303)861-1447
In emergency call 911 1st. A volunteer will return your call ASAP.

Friday, March 14, 2014

What's Your (Colorado Caucus) Story?

Post your experience from a few days ago, and what it's been like for you from the first time you attended until then. Positive stories will possibly be include in new e-book about our wonderful Colorado Caucus that will be published by the new Colorado hyper-local education and communication company COCAUCUS, Inc and if your story is included you'll be given a free copy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Colorado media monitored, Conference on Colorado Caucus in the works.

Colorado media continue to be monitored on Colorado Caucus News. If you see a story that's been missed please post a link as a comment here and it will be added. For what's up so far see

Save the Caucus held a conference at the Colorado Capitol as a follow up to the defeat of Amendment 29 in 2002. It's been suggested that another be held now, as soon as possible while memories of last Tuesday are fresh.

Here's the release that was just made:

March 6, 2014
Contact:  John Wren  cell (720)495-4949
Gov. Hickenlooper and Secretary of State Gessler expected to make a joint statement announcing the date.
Denver-- John Wren announced today that a conference is being planned to allow those who participated in the Colorado Caucus to make a statement about Tuesday's gatherings and to make suggestions for improving the process. A similar meeting was held as a follow-up to the defeat of Amendment 29 in 2002 which would have ended Colorado's caucus-assembly system for nominating to the primary ballot.
Making the announcement Wren said, "Last Tuesday some 6,000 meetings were held across the state, since voters approved the system in 1912 it has served us well. But as times and technology change, so must the way we select our elected representatives.
"For that reason we will ask that those with an interest in our Colorado Caucus be invited to gather at the Capitol once again, and that additional information, opinion gathering, and analysis be applied to this time-honored Colorado institution, now rather than later while it is fresh on our minds.
"Governor Hickenlooper and Secretary of State Gessler have been invited to make the announcement of the meeting once a date has been set. The Small Business Chamber of Commerce, I'm CEO, will be surveying local chambers through our membership in the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, across the state as we set a date and finalize the methodology for data gathering prior to the conference, and the hope is that CACI may decide to become a sponsor.
"We are actively looking for sponsors and volunteers. For more information call me at (303)861-1447," said Wren, "but do it now, this is on a short fuse."  
John Wren (303)861-1447, 960 Grant St. #727, Denver, CO is a long-time community activist who was one of the founders of Save the Caucus which defeated Amendment 29 in 2002 which would have brought an end to the Colorado system of nominating to the primary ballot both by petition and through a caucus-assembly process. Save the Caucus held a Caucus Conference at the Capitol in 2003 and produced a PSA with then Mayor Hickenlooper and Gov Owens urging Colorado voters to attend their 2004 neighborhood caucus. They also oversaw the distribution and posting of 5,000 yard signs promoting the 2004 Colorado Caucus, the signs were paid for by Rutt Bridges who had initiated Amendment 29. Wren has been personally managing an education website 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tweets about 2014 Colorado Caucus

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tweet from your caucus tonight!

Use #COCaucus to Tweet your suggestions for first time Colorado Caucus goers, then your comments this evening about how did check in go, was there discussion, other news. See on Twitter feed here on this site, news media will pick it up if #COCaucus trends.

Tweet early and Tweet often! if you haven't signed up for your free account yet.