Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Coming soon! New online class, Colorado Caucus 201.

This class is free, but is only offered to newcomers to Colorado and those who are new to Colorado politics.

The prerequisite is completion of our Colorado Caucus 101, which you can see in the last 3 posts here below. When you've completed (start any time, take as much or as little time as you'd like) contact us for a free certificate of completion and to get on the invitation list for 201 when it is announced.

So read the last 3 posts here, once you've contacted your county and precinct leaders, contact John Wren at John@JohnWren.com or (303)861-1447. Also contact John if you have any questions or suggestions about what we are doing here.

Our wonderful Colorado caucus-assembly system is the best chance, possibly the last chance, the common person of ordinary means has of serving in elected public office. Thanks for being an active citizen, which the system requires for it to survive and flourish.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Active citizen, day 3.

"The whole state must be so well organized that every Whig can be brought to the polls. So divide the county into small districts and appoint in each a committee. Make a perfect list of the voters and ascertain with certainty for whom they will vote... Keep a constant watch on the doubtful voters and have them talked to by those in whom they have the most confidence... On Election Day see that every Whig is brought to the polls."   
-- Abraham Lincoln, Letter to a friend, 1840

Here's a precinct leaders workbook that says almost the same thing as Abe Lincoln did decades ago:;

Read the above workbook. Then go to the Colorado Secretary of State Website, http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/referenceGuides/Caucus.pdf

Then contact the political party of your choice, Republicans http://www.cologop.org/ or Democrats http://www.coloradodems.org/  and ask them how you can contact your precinct and county leaders to volunteer.

Once you've done this, you will have completed Colorado Caucus 101. Call us for a free certificate of completion and an invitation to an advanced class that will be offered soon. Also call if you have any questions or suggestions, contact John Wren at (303)861-1447 or John@JohnWren.com

Life's short, start now!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Caucuses aren't for ciphers. Sue O'Brien.

Sue O'Brien wrote in this editorial in 2002 when our wonderful Colorado Caucus, our neighborhood system for nominating candidates to the primary ballot was in danger of being eliminated by Amendment 29. Partly because of Sue's and The Denver Post's strong support of the Colorado Caucus, the misguided Amendment 29 was defeated.

Sue's wonderful column is maybe the best writing that's ever been done about why the caucus-assembly system is worth preserving. Here's what Sue wrote in the Denver Post:

Caucuses aren't for ciphers
October 6, 2002
by Sue O'Brien

cipher - a person or thing of no importance or value; nonentity

- New World College Dictionary

So, what will we choose to be: ciphers or individuals?

Ciphers are faceless. They have value only as something to count - a signature on a petition or a vote to tally by machine. It's easy for ciphers to hide out. Hey, they're just part of the mob.

Individuals, by contrast, stand out. They take responsibility. And they rarely hide.

We have a sovereign opportunity to become ciphers this November. One of the few mechanisms left in modern politics that rewards individual initiative - the precinct caucus - is on the brink of being eliminated in favor of a political nominating system that would let wannabe candidates get on the ballot only by collecting - and counting - petition signatures.

It's a lousy proposal put forth by an otherwise admirable organization: the Bighorn Center for Public Policy.

Now, I have nothing against getting on the ballot by petition. But why eliminate the choice - caucus or petition - that our present system provides?

It's not as though there's something inherently wrong with the caucus. And, even though these grassroots conclaves have seen declining attendance in recent years, there's a lot inherently good about them.

Look around modern society. We have a woeful lack of what Harvard scholar Robert Putnam calls "social capital" - the dynamism that comes from doing things together and making community decisions together. Yet the spate of election "reforms" we're seeing these days almost seems designed to stomp out the last vestiges of community collaboration.

"Voting and following politics are relatively undemanding forms of participation," writes Putnam in his influential "Bowling Alone." "In fact, they are not, strictly speaking, forms of social capital at all, because they can be done utterly alone."

We can be utterly alone, too, when we perform the two other actions modern politics seems to want to limit us to: writing checks and watching attack ads on TV. We're systematically replacing "social capital" with plain old monetary capital.

Colorado's traditional caucus-convention system, in contrast, rewards the shoe-leather and diligence. It provides a low-cost way for aspirants to work the neighborhoods, investing energy instead of dollars. Recent proof of this pudding came in the race for the GOP nomination in the 7th Congressional District, where Rick O'Donnell captured first line on the primary ballot with a low-budget campaign that focused on traditional caucus and door-to-door campaigning. O'Donnell eventually lost the primary to the better-funded Bob Beauprez, but his achievement in getting on the ballot was impressive.

But even more important than the caucus' benefits for candidates is its benefit for ordinary citizens. It's a vibrant neighborhood forum for hashing out ideas - the last remaining arena in which you can get on the first rung of the ladder toward political effectiveness by just showing up.

I've covered precinct or town caucuses in Iowa, Maine, Minnesota and Mississippi as well as Colorado. My favorite memory is of escorting a big-deal network analyst to his very first caucus in an American Legion hall in Iowa. This was a political expert well into his 50s, yet he'd never seen a caucus; primaries had always been his beat. He was blown away. For the first time in years of covering politics, he told me, he'd seen the true face of America.

He was right. Caucuses offer a peculiarly intimate view of a community and its people. They'll amaze you with the quality of caring and thought participants bring to the discussion. And sometimes, if you're very lucky, you'll see new, young leaders find their first toehold in the process.

Why is the Colorado caucus withering? First, because the legislature, in an ineffectual grab for national headlines, created a meaningless presidential primary that eliminated the headline race that once inspired much caucus activism.

Second, because we're all getting good at sitting on the sidelines. The Kettering Foundation's David Mathews once reminded readers that the word idiot comes from the Greeks. Privacy, they thought, was akin to stupidity. "Idiots" were incapable of finding their place in the social order.

Why bow to the trend of letting the next guy do it? Why sell out to letting money replace shoe-leather at every level of American politics?

Why not keep the caucus as an open door to involvement, while continuing to provide the petition alternative? Bighorn's goal may be to increase the number of people peripherally involved in the process - but the initiative will never replace the quality of participation the caucus can provide.

Good political talk … is where we recognize the connectedness of things - and our own connectedness. … Good political talk is also where we discover what is common amidst our differences. -David Mathews, "Civic Intelligence"

Sue O'Brien was editor of the Denver Post editorial page. See passed on not long after writing this. 
Tomorrow I'll be back with more about how I first became an Active Citizen and how you can be one too if you're not already.

In the mean time, your feed back is very helpful. Post your questions and comments here or contact me directly. (303)861-1447 or http://www.JohnWren.com 

Please share this with your friends on the Internet, it's as easy as just pushing one of the buttons below for Facebook, Twitter, Blogger.com, etc. 

John S. Wren

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Make a difference, become an active citizen.

Unhappy with our elected representatives?

In Colorado and some 16 other states there is a powerful political system that allows the common person to serve in elected public office.

Our caucus-assembly system levels the field, that's why so many of the rich and powerful hate it.

Whether you want to serve in public office yourself or leverage your time by helping other good people get elected, get involved in your neighborhood by offering to be of service to the major political party of your choice.

Yes, some get involved with the small alternative political parties, and sometimes it's easier there to feel like a big fish in their small ponds.

But look around the country today. How many from these alternative parties got elected? And how will those who did have any impact in the job they were elected to do without aligning themselves with one of the major parties?

Some complain the two major political parties are no different. That's what is supposed to happen, they are a mechanism for reaching a practical consensus.

Your good idea without a majority of the votes is just poetry.

So be a poet. Or get involved. Today.

Here's the first step. Google either "Democrats" or " Republicans" and your zip code. Call and ask how you can help. Not sure which party? Call them both. Check out their websites. Then pick. Or flip a coin. You are just choosing a tool to use to make your own voice heard.

For more about how, come back here tomorrow.. 


Monday, November 3, 2014

I voted today.

First election without
mom asking me what
I thought, what I was
doing, asking me if
I'd emailed by picks.
RIP mom.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Want to be an active citizen? Start now to make a real difference in the 2016 elections.

1) Register as a Republican or Democrat. We have a two-party system, you throw away your power if you skip this step.

2) Google your part and the name of your state. Call and volunteer. Find out who your precinct and county party leaders are, go and meet all of them, offer your help. 

3). Go to your neighborhood caucus. Volunteer to be a degate to the county and state meetings.

Previous posts here on this site will help you learn more, but there is no substitute for experience. 

Most important rule in politics: Just show up!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Weekly training for communicating in your neighborhood caucus:

JohnWren.com Start!: University of Denver ok's Socrates Cafe: I just sent out this on Twitter: New! Socrates Cafe Saturdays 6;30 p.m. @DUCommons , see http://t.co/jp48B0nony . Questions john Wren (...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Neighborhood communications

Printed newsletter, fliers, websites and blogs. Now FireChat, it will never be shut down. Check it out, join our grassroots forum.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Strengthen Your Neighborhood.

We are almost two months behind what was promised in previous post. But watch for more here soon.

In the mean time check out this powerful tool for neighborhood building: 


Also, for a good definition of the problems we find in neighborhood building see Robert Putman's classic book Bowling Alone 

More here soon. Hope you'll share your thoughts, that you'll come back often, and that you'll share this with your neighbors and all your friends who care about the grassroots.

John S Wren, Founder of COCaucus.org
"Revitalize the Grassroots! Peer-Directed Neighborhood Learning Groups, Since 1727."

Friday, July 4, 2014

Start a neighborhood group, we'll help if you want.

Want to make a real difference? Start a small group that meets once a week or once a month in your neighborhood where you live or work. More will be posted here tomorrow, and we'd love it if you have experience with small groups and would be willing to share with us.

If you're not ready to become active in one of the political parties, working for a candidate or a particular issue, this is a powerful way for you to still make a big difference in 2016.

Hope to see you back here tomorrow as we start to make this a community of neighborhood groups doing independent civic education.

Freedom today? Tomorrow?

The current majority is just as  much the tyrant as King George unless kept in check.

Why not spend today thinking about that tyranny of the majority and what you can do to make a difference in 2016 which may be the last chance to use some of these powerful political tools. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyranny_of_the_majority

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

JohnWren.com Start!: Colorado primary election

JohnWren.com Start!: Colorado primary election: Low turn out was astonishing. Denver had less than 10 % of registered voters cast a ballot, disgraceful. That's 10% of registered voters...

What are you going to DO between now and Colorado Caucus 2016. Click above link to see my promise, then if you want tell us all with your comment or call me and I'll tell you story, might make you a guest on the next SPECIAL EDITION The Startup Show to talk about how you got started in politics.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"Nerds" Bill Cosby's Graduation Talk

Vote yet? Want to make a real difference?

If you are affiliated with one of the major political parties, your vote today for the primary candidates of your choice makes a difference, of course.

I think nearly everyone should do this.

Now you can make a real difference. Start reaching out to your neighbors. All of your neighbors, no matter how they are registered to vote. We'll be talking about that here over the next few weeks.

We'll bring you information about inclusive groups you might consider starting.

Our first suggestion: Start a Socrates Café. Inspired by the book by the same name Chris Phillips wrote, I've been involved with groups here in Colorado since early 2000.

For more, check out our Facebook Page http://Facebook.com/DenverSocratesCafe

If it looks like something you might like to start in your neighborhood, just do it! Or if you want help attend one of our free meetings here in Denver or give me a call.

Do you have a group in your neighborhood that's helped pull the neighbors together? Tell us about it with your comments here, or call me and I'll write about it.

John Wren

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Talking to a machine?

I just got call from machine supporting one political candidate over another in the primary. Here's what I can't understand, why is the machine calling me? I've been registered Unaffiliated for years. I've called and left a message... More later. 

Are you getting calls like this? If so, has a call ever changed your mind? 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Big gains between now and November.

For both Republicans and Democrates, system works best if elected precinct committee people in 3000 neighborhoods across the state have monthly meetings with block workers who stay in touch with those in their neighborhood, then monthly district meetings. Both parties have gotten away from doing this, whichever returns first, would only take a couple of months, will have big advantage. Http://www.COCaucus.org 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

CO SB14-175 article: My comments, and my request to you (highlighted.)

It would be interesting to interview everyone who was involved in deciding to make this THE fight at this late date.

This amount of energy invested a few months ago would have made a huge difference. I attended a gathering at Mother of God Church here in Denver right after the last elections. Everyone was encouraged to write letters to those who had just been elected.

Whether by design or by accident, the timing of these education activities seem to me to be a real problem. Looking back at the Civil Unions fight, it would have been much better if Colorado Catholic Conference would have just not done anything.

Looks like a replay of that misguide effort unfolding here with
SB14-175. Hope I’m wrong. We’ll know soon.

Often wrong, never in doubt. :-)

Glad to be wrong this time. Maybe there was a genius at work in this I haven’t appreciated before.

Thank you Archbishop Aquila for your leadership, and to our brother Jesus for his walking with each of us as we did the little we could, trusting (most of trusting most of the time) that with God’s help it would be enough.

And thanks to NCR for this great story. I’m going to subscribe right now, and I’ll encourage readers of my educational effort COCaucus.org to do the same, so get ready for a flood of new subs. :-)

Read the article I'm praising in the above comment, link to subscribe and more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/archbishop-aquila-leads-rally-against-colo.-pro-abortion-bill/#ixzz2zA1PSxop

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Inspired Archbishop Aquila Sets Us Free from SB14-175

Denver--Sensing defeat, those sponsoring the legislation that had been personally opposed by Archbishop Samuel Aquila was withdrawn tonight.

Consideration in the Colorado Senate as a committee of the whole was to have take place yesterday.

Clearly a lot of work was put into the rally yesterday, the largest some have said they've seen of that gatherings on the west steps of Catholics that are held from time to time, previously in the last couple of years rallies to oppose so called civil unions legislation that went on to pass.

The question now is how to extend a loving olive branch to those who are stinging tonight from the defeat and use this as an opportunity for evangelism.

Maybe the sunglasses were a good idea.

Story from Catholic News Agency (click), and John Wren's comment to it:
"The political party assemblies that choose major party candidates for the Colorado legislature have already met and designated candidates for the ballot. The delegates to these assemblies were chosen at neighborhood precinct caucuses across Colorado on March 4."
Good point. This is really the start of the 2016 Colorado Caucus. Yes, people can get involved and make a difference. But to leverage their power they should keep in mind the powerful process that puts candidates on the ballot for both major political parties.
Archbishop said yesterday he was surprised how many he spoke with didn't even know who their state representative are now. Here's an idea. How about one mass each year to honor our local representative in Federal, state, and local government?

SB14-175 boost for grassroots.

The rally at the Capitol yesterday against SB14-175 has already gotten more people involved in the Colorado political process.

If it passes, expect more recalls in Colorado, as voters whose representatives ignored the flood of phone calls and emails are targeted and those most vulnerable immediately see petitions being circulated to bring them home and replaced with representatives who truely represent the district.

This is more emotional than gun control.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Healing of our state.

Photo: Denver Post
Big turn out at the Capitol this afternoon, Archbishop Aquila's presence this afternoon at the Colorado Capitol sent a loud, clear signal to Catholic legislators who are now serving, and more importantly to those who will be inspired to serve in the future.

Here's a slanted story from main street media, but gives you an idea of what happened this afternoon, which may be too little too late for SB175 (click here.)

But I thanked Archbishop for making the effort, it was the right thing to do. In my opinion a primary task of every Catholic Church should be to teach how to take Christ’s love into the existing political system. Catholics need to be the leaven in both major political parties, and they should be better represented at all levels of government.

Neighborhood self-directed learning groups could be a powerful way to bring this about; groups formed to inform not reform on any particular issue.

Colorado has a wonderful political institution, the Colorado Caucus. Every two years we have the opportunity for a state-wide civics lesson. But new comers to Colorado and those just new to Colorado politics need to be better educated about how to participate. It's been said only 5% of Colorado residents even know the system exists.

Both major political parties need new blood in every neighborhood, and they need more every two years for our system to work well.

I'm thinking about forming Catholic Neighborhood Clubs across the state. With the Internet, leaders could be quickly identified. Then fill Mile High Stadium each fall in a civic education MOOC (Massive, Open, Online Class) lead by perhaps Archbishop Aquila and Gov Hickenlooper this fall, and Pope Francis and Pres. Obama the following year or in 2016 just before the elections.

If you'd like to help in your neighborhood, or if you'd like to help recruit and train neighborhood leaders, please give me a call. (303)861-1447. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Please do NOT email me until we've had a chance to talk on the phone. Thanks!

Colorado Archbishop Aquila West Stepping against SB14-175

After Pope Francis has urged Catholics to extend the loving hand of forgiveness, and to not judge others for their sins, his new Archbishop in Denver takes to the West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol this afternoon (Tue, April 15) to lobby, no, to West Step his opposition to pending legislation.

This should be an interesting afternoon. It's hard to believe that Archbishop would be acting without some official encouragement from the Church hierarchy.

It could be Pope Francis sees the danger of appearing to take the position of just rolling over in legislation that undermines freedom of religion.

No confirmation anywhere with local Denver media that Archbishop is still on. It would be great to see Archbishop go into the Capitol and buttonhole Catholic legislators. He certainly has a right to do so in our free (at least for now) society.

For more see: http://denvercatholicregister.org/today-join-archbishop-pray-capitol-sb175/#.U02OivldWSp

Also, http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/reproductive-health-bill-sb175-faces-scrutiny-after-denvers-archbishop-asks-colorado-to-oppose-it04142014?autoplay=true

Saturday, March 15, 2014

How to become well known in your neighborhood.

We are doing a special edition of the Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop next Friday, March 21 at Panera Bread, 13th & Grant just a block from the Capitol.

For 25 years our speaker has been helping businesses from real estate agents to plumbers do just that, she has some powerful ideas that will also work if you're working to get your cause or candidate well known in a particular neighborhood.

We start at 3:45 p.m. sharp, please be on time, we'll end at 5:15 p.m. After our speaker shares we break out into small work groups.

Whether you are in pursuit of a better social life in your own neighborhood, finding neighbors you can help, votes, or all three, join us! You'll be glad you did.

For more info and to RSVP to this and our other meetings in metro-Denver and online go to http://Meetup.com/Small-Biz-Chamber or call (303)861-1447

Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc
Z-NOS Peer Advisory Groups * IDEA Cafe Startup Workshops
+ Start + Grow + Flourish + AMDG
www.SmallBizChamber.org +  Facebook.com/Small.Business.Chamber 
 Question? Leave a confidential message anytime 24/7 call (303)861-1447
In emergency call 911 1st. A volunteer will return your call ASAP.

Friday, March 14, 2014

What's Your (Colorado Caucus) Story?

Post your experience from a few days ago, and what it's been like for you from the first time you attended until then. Positive stories will possibly be include in new e-book about our wonderful Colorado Caucus that will be published by the new Colorado hyper-local education and communication company COCAUCUS, Inc and if your story is included you'll be given a free copy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Colorado media monitored, Conference on Colorado Caucus in the works.

Colorado media continue to be monitored on Colorado Caucus News. If you see a story that's been missed please post a link as a comment here and it will be added. For what's up so far see http://Facebook.com/ColoradoCaucusNews

Save the Caucus held a conference at the Colorado Capitol as a follow up to the defeat of Amendment 29 in 2002. It's been suggested that another be held now, as soon as possible while memories of last Tuesday are fresh.

Here's the release that was just made:

March 6, 2014
Contact:  John Wren  cell (720)495-4949
Gov. Hickenlooper and Secretary of State Gessler expected to make a joint statement announcing the date.
Denver-- John Wren announced today that a conference is being planned to allow those who participated in the Colorado Caucus to make a statement about Tuesday's gatherings and to make suggestions for improving the process. A similar meeting was held as a follow-up to the defeat of Amendment 29 in 2002 which would have ended Colorado's caucus-assembly system for nominating to the primary ballot.
Making the announcement Wren said, "Last Tuesday some 6,000 meetings were held across the state, since voters approved the system in 1912 it has served us well. But as times and technology change, so must the way we select our elected representatives.
"For that reason we will ask that those with an interest in our Colorado Caucus be invited to gather at the Capitol once again, and that additional information, opinion gathering, and analysis be applied to this time-honored Colorado institution, now rather than later while it is fresh on our minds.
"Governor Hickenlooper and Secretary of State Gessler have been invited to make the announcement of the meeting once a date has been set. The Small Business Chamber of Commerce, I'm CEO, will be surveying local chambers through our membership in the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, across the state as we set a date and finalize the methodology for data gathering prior to the conference, and the hope is that CACI may decide to become a sponsor.
"We are actively looking for sponsors and volunteers. For more information call me at (303)861-1447," said Wren, "but do it now, this is on a short fuse."  
John Wren (303)861-1447, 960 Grant St. #727, Denver, CO is a long-time community activist who was one of the founders of Save the Caucus which defeated Amendment 29 in 2002 which would have brought an end to the Colorado system of nominating to the primary ballot both by petition and through a caucus-assembly process. Save the Caucus held a Caucus Conference at the Capitol in 2003 and produced a PSA with then Mayor Hickenlooper and Gov Owens urging Colorado voters to attend their 2004 neighborhood caucus. They also oversaw the distribution and posting of 5,000 yard signs promoting the 2004 Colorado Caucus, the signs were paid for by Rutt Bridges who had initiated Amendment 29. Wren has been personally managing an education website COCaucus.org 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tweets about 2014 Colorado Caucus

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tweet from your caucus tonight!

Use #COCaucus to Tweet your suggestions for first time Colorado Caucus goers, then your comments this evening about how did check in go, was there discussion, other news. See on Twitter feed here on this site, news media will pick it up if #COCaucus trends.

Tweet early and Tweet often! http://Twitter.com if you haven't signed up for your free account yet.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Excellent article, link to it posted on Colorado Caucus News Facebook Page.

(This is the #1 networking opportunity in Colorado, and it's free! Don't miss this opportunity to meet with your neighbors, it's ok if you just observe. Tip- cookies are always a big, big hit! More tips over the weekend on COCaucus.org, what's yours? Please post as a comment below.)

"Anyone can attend caucuses, but only the registered voters who meet certain requirements can participate in caucus business. Caucus-goers must have been affiliated with their party by Jan. 4 and had until Feb. 4 to change an address to their current precinct. Caucuses start promptly at 7 p.m., so party officials are urging attendees to arrive early — many locations will be operational by 6:30 p.m. — to sign in and be prepared for the meeting.

"Republicans are directing voters to the state party’s cologop.org website to find caucus locations and preregister, potentially speeding the check-in process on Tuesday night. Likewise, Democrats have a caucus-finder posted at coloradodems.org."


There is a real need for newcomers to Colorado and newcomers to Colorado politics to go to the caucus for the first time, then be ready to be a neighborhood leader next time.

Party insiders sometimes just don't get the word out, they think everyone knows about it, and this just is not true. So you can really, really help if you'll go to  http://Facebook.com/ColoradoCaucusNews. Find the above quote and forward the whole article to your Facebook friends if you haven't already.

You can see the excellent summary article (although it leaves out the most important fact about the Colorado Caucus 2014, which I'll post as a comment below, you comment agreeing or disagreeing with me along with your Caucus Tip would be appreciated)  see the article directly at http://coloradostatesman.com/content/994677-caucuses-signal-start-2014-election-cycle

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How do I find my precient caucus for March 4?

Voting in a precienct caucus in 2012.
Denver Post.
Where is my precinct caucus?
No one has created a caucus locator for Colorado like the ones that are avilable now in other states. So check your major party website, follow the links, call them if you can't get the job done on your own. 
Republicans: www.cologop.org 
Democrats: www.coloradodems.org 
You can find your precinct on your voter record at www.govotecolorado.com, or if in Denver, call 311. Click on the “View my Voter Registration Status” link to see your precinct and political districts. To access your voter information, you must enter your name, date of birth and zip code. The last three numbers of the 10 digit ID number indicate your precinct number.
Registered voters who have been affiliated with the Republican or Democratic parties for at least 60 days prior to the caucuses, and who have resided in their precinct for at least 30 days.
Anyone is welcome to attend the caucus, but must be registered with the Democratic Party, Republican Party in their precinct in order to vote in the caucus.
Exception: If you turn 18 or become a U.S. citizen during the two-month period prior to the caucuses AND register to vote prior to the day of the caucuses, you may participate in the caucuses of the party you affiliated with when you registered.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Colorado Caucus is Coming

Next Tuesday, March 4. You have to be a registered Colorado voter, affiliateed with one of the major political parties, a few things like that. But by law these are open meetings, even if you can't vote go to one, get ready for 2016 election cycle.

Questions? Lots of info here, lots of links that will lead you to more.

How to find your neighborhood meetings? Google your zip code and either Republicans or Democrates, call, and ask how you can help.

If you've never been to one before please let us know here with your comment now, ok? We anticipate the media may be looking for newcomers to interview, and we may produce something and post it here.

Our Colorado Caucus is the best chance the common person has for serving in elected office. Go to learn, meet your neighbors, get ready to eventually run yourself or help another good person get elected!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Articles are (finally) starting to appear in Colorado newspapers about the looming March 4 Colorado Caucus. They are posted as they appear on http://Facebook.com/Colorado.Caucus.News. Check it out!

If you spot articles that don't get posted, please call John Wren (303)861-1447. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Caucus vs petition

Candidates, campaign volunteers, and others,

Who is getting on the ballot via petition, and who is getting on via the neighborhood caucus? Has there been a newpaper report on this? Colorado Statesman?

We'll retweet this, got no response before:

@COLeg @COHouseGOP @cohousedems @COSenDem @cogop Using the caucus or petitioning onto the ballot? Why? Post on: http://coloroadocaucus.blogspot.com/?spref=tw