Saturday, March 30, 2019

Under Construction!

We are making a change but not a pivot, we are changing our sails to catch the wind, but our mission remains to strengthen the grassroots in business and politics.

Watch this video, and watch this site next week. We welcome your ideas and questions. Thank you.

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: Leah Libresco Talk

 Leah Libresco Talk

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tim Snyder: Save Institutions!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

John S. Wren
1881 Buchtel Blvd. #501
Denver, CO 80210

For more information contact
John Wren (303)861-1447

March 4, 2019

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!

Denver-- Long time community activist John Wren today announced a year long effort to increase the informed participation in the 2020 Colorado Caucus. For more information see or call (303)861-1447.

"The first Tuesday in March, 2020 or the following Saturday will be the next, and possibly the last time neighbors in Colorado gather to have their say as major political parties elect delegates and nominate candidates," said Wren

"Since 1912 this biannual, state-wide civics lesson has been the first step towards running for elected public office or helping other good people to get elected. 

"For the second time Colorado is experimenting with an expensive, meaningless Presidential Primary, unless it is killed by the Colorado legislature. We know that unless extraordinary measures are taken it will kill the best chance the common person in Colorado has of serving in elected public office.

"I'll talk about this more on today's Startup Show, a daily Internet live broadcast that I hope will be shared online and picked up by websites of local community newspapers across Colorado. To see the live broadcast each day go to and to see a recording of it see the member-only group on the Facebook Page "Visit Group," said Wren

For more information see the Colorado Secretary of State's Website, information about this is found on Elections, Candidates, Questions and Answers.

For more current news abou the Colorado Caucus see 


Sunday, March 3, 2019